2021-12-06 09:24:10
match は A と B が合致しているなどというときに使うので、そういう意味で似合うというふうに使うのであれば
This curtain matches the decor of the room.
The tie you are wearing now... it doesn't really match your shirt, in my humble opinion...
~ suits you. (主語が複数形だったら ~ suit you.)
A: I got a new job - it's a social worker position at a community clinic.
B: Congrats, it really suits you!
~ looks good on you.(主語が複数形だったら ~ look good on you.)
A: Look, this bought this new jacket yesterday!
B: Wow, it looks really good on you!
あなたらしい、っていう意味で It is so you! とか言うこともあります。
A: My new car is bright metalic yellow.
B: It is so you, Bob...