2021-05-29 14:58:04
He is said to have said that S V
It is said that he said S V
しかし、文法的に正しいものの、実際にこのような言い方をする人は、あまりいません。日本語を英語に訳す課題であれば、仕方がないのですが、発想が日本語的です。それと said が2回、受動態と能動態で混じるのも少し変に感じます。以下、参考にしてください。
People say that he said he was an alien.
I’ve heard that he said he was an alien.
He reportedly said he was an alien.
He allegedly said he was an alien.
According to a New York Times article, he said he was an alien.
He is believed to have said he is an alien.
It is believed that he said he was an alien.