
2022-11-18 00:46

They have to be good painters because window displays often have painted walls and pictures.
上の文の because 以下の文の構造(SVなど)がわかりません。
painted walls and pictures を have しているのでしょうか?
have painted 現在完了形なのでしょうか?


2022-11-19 06:50:01


They have to be good painters

S: they
V: have to be
C: good painters


because window displays often have painted walls and pictures.

S: window displays
V: have
O: painted walls and pictures

「window display」は、日本語で「ショーウィンドー」と呼ばれます。

「painted walls」というのは、大きな作品だと「mural」(壁画)があります。この場合は、商品を陳列する窓の話ですから、もっと小規模な、絵が描かれた壁のことです。


鉛筆などを使って細い線で絵を描くことは「draw」で、その作品は「a drawing / drawings」です。

絵の具で塗って絵を描くことは「paint」で、その作品は「a painting / paintings」です。

これを知っていれば、この「painted walls」は「絵が描かれた壁」のことだと、すぐに気が付くでしょう。

They have to be good painters because window displays often have painted walls and pictures.



Please do not touch the newly painted wall.


2022-11-19 01:43:24

this is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills.
I suppose 'painted walls and pictures' might mean painted-walls and pictures( photo or painting ).

2022-11-18 21:47:58

They have to be good painters(彼らは良い塗装工である必要がある) because (なぜなら、)window displays (主語。ショーウィンドウのディスプレイは)often (しばしば)have (他動詞で「性質、属性として持っている、有する」painted (名詞walls and picturesを修飾する「過去分詞」)walls and pictures. (塗装された壁や絵画)

They have to be good painters because window displays often have painted walls and pictures.

私がわからないのは、「塗装された壁や絵画」なのですよねえ… なぜ「壁」が?異論のある方は、恐れ入りますが、直して頂けませんか?

2022-11-18 16:41:48

this is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills.
I suppose when the words 'window displays' is subject, it can't paint anything itself , it need passive voice(be + past participle form of verb).
1):They have to be good painters because window displays are often painted walls and pictures. If you would like the second 'have' to be verb in the original sentence. modification of the sentence are that comma is added in front of the word 'because' and hyphen between painted and walls.
2): They have to be good painters, because window displays often have painted-walls and pictures.
only by original sentence we can't decide which sentence should be selected. we need some more information or source of information.
