下記の英文が「その研究で最も幸せな人は最も不幸な人の2倍有意義な会話をし、他愛もない世間話は 3 分の 1 しかなかった」という内容(言いたいこと)は一読で理解できるのですが(想像できるのですが)、 twice as~as...の部分の構造がよく分かりません。。。なぜそのような訳になるのでしょうか?
The happiest person in the study had twice as many meaningful conversations, and only one-third of the amount of small talk as the unhappiest.
[Talk Deeply, Be Happy? by Roni Caryn Rabin, The New York Times, March 17, 2010 © 2021 The New York Times]
This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills.
please put next sentences into GT and assess GT's translation. if you couldn't grasp them, please re-post your unclear point into this section again.
:twice as many as A.
:three times as many as A.
:four times as many as A.
:GT(as many as).
下記の英文が「その研究で最も幸せな人は最も不幸な人の2倍有意義な会話をし、他愛もない世間話は 3 分の 1 しかなかった」という内容(言いたいこと)は一読で理解できるのですが(想像できるのですが)、 twice as~as...の部分の構造がよく分かりません。。。なぜそのような訳になるのでしょうか?
The happiest person in the study had twice as many meaningful conversations, and only one-third of the amount of small talk as the unhappiest.
[Talk Deeply, Be Happy? by Roni Caryn Rabin, The New York Times, March 17, 2010 © 2021 The New York Times]