
2021-11-12 17:25

why does me havingについて

この前、why does me having a wap offend you?という文を見ました。
a wapってのは曲名か何かだと思います。
文脈的に意味はわかるのですが、why does me ingの形がイマイチ理解できません。
ingがmeを修飾しているとして、why V Sで文が終わる気がしてどういう構造なんだろうと頭を抱えております。


2021-11-15 14:30:09

Why does me having a wap offend you? の me having a wap の部分の me ~ing something というのは、しゃべりことばでよく使われます。

Why does (me having a wap) offend you?
Why does (the fact that I have a wap) offend you?

Doesn't (him fooling around all the time) irritate you?
(Him fooling around all the time) irritates me.
(him fooling around all the time) irritates me.
(The fact that he is fooling around all the time) irritates me.
Doesn't (the fact that he is fooling around all the time) irritate you?
