My suggestions [(2)is the more felicitous]:
(1) 〇〇をする事 [文末] ≈ V(be)[aux] + to be [infinitive] + V(main) [past participle]. Thus:
Unused terminal [device] cables *are to be disconnected* from the power source.
{Literal: Unused cables are to be electrically isolated from the terminal [device].}
(2) 〇〇をする事 [文末] ≈ 命令法. Thus:
*Disconnect* unused device cables from the power source.
My suggestions [(2)is the more felicitous]:
(1) 〇〇をする事 [文末] ≈ V(be)[aux] + to be [infinitive] + V(main) [past participle]. Thus:
Unused terminal [device] cables *are to be disconnected* from the power source.
{Literal: Unused cables are to be electrically isolated from the terminal [device].}
(2) 〇〇をする事 [文末] ≈ 命令法. Thus:
*Disconnect* unused device cables from the power source.
Unused wire terminal shall be electrical insulated
should beの方が良いのか?
electrical の位置も間違えているような気がしています.