
2022-10-15 21:12

「the名詞 up in場所」←これは何ですか?

you know, "The physicists up in SLAC have kind of demonstrated this multiverse thing might be real." You've heard of this, that there are multiple parallel universes, one right next to each other. // Bill Burnett"5 steps to designing the life you want"


2022-10-17 07:27:43

up を抜きにして The physicists in SLAC have... としても本意は通じるのですが、この話者は SLAC という機関を権威的なもの、えらいもの、下から見上げるもの、として表現しているので、up をつけて上の方にある、えらい、権威のある SLAC にいる physicists たちは... と言っていることになります。
この up の品詞は副詞です。

2022-10-16 21:12:50

This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills. when you would like to ask some questions on this Question Box about English I suppose that it would be important to give reference of the quoted if possible. the quoted reference would make the intention of the question specifically/expressly. more over in some cases some hints about the question could be found there. in the case there's not any reference, because of the meaning of the question might be ambiguous so sometimes this would make people to hesitate to answer the question. some of the questions would be like as that showing only one photo and ask what they're doing in a photo.in rare case which can determine the scene may be. in many cases before and after the scene cut away might arouse various meaning to the scene. these cases might be obscure/vague. and it would be useful for you to sleep on a question over one night, you would find some hint/revision/complement in some cases. the deeper the question the deeper the answer. if you would've posted the question please continue to think about the question it'd be useful for your progress to compare your thought with the answer.
