In my view, the FSA needs to take a rigorous approach against the Incubator Bank of Japan in connection with the progress and implementation of its business improvement plan. Moving on to the subject of his two years in office as an appointment of then-Minister for Financial Services Takenaka, I am sure that all of you know that the financial administration was then faced with many pressing issues, ranging from, for example, financial system stabilization and enhancement and promotion of a shift from saving to investment - as a matter of fact, it was a period that was filled with very challenging financial issues, including expediting a solution to the non-performing loan problem and reforming the securities market structure. At any rate, seeing as the recent turn of events, where someone with such experience got arrested for allegedly hindering an inspection later, is extremely regrettable and I am also aware that there is a high level of public attention to this matter, I am determined to exercise strict oversight, bearing firmly in mind the points I've just made.