2015-11-05 13:32:59
起きている結果を見てくださいよ。下の白いものから、何かを分解して茶色いものを取り出してるんですな! じゃあこれもまちがいないはず:こんなふうにして、電極の片っぽを紙の裏のブリキにつけて――おお、なんとも見事に紙に反応が出てくるじゃないですか。字も書けちゃえそうですね、やってみましょう――いわば電報、ですかな 。
Look here at the effect that takes place, and see how I have pulled something apart from the white—something brown; and I have no doubt, if I were to arrange it thus, and were to put one of the poles to the tinfoil on the other side of the paper—why, I get such a beautiful action upon the paper, that I am going to see whether I cannot write with it—a telegram, if you please.