
2022-04-30 23:38

このメール を英語に訳すと?

Hey there

Thank you for reaching out to us!

I appreciate your patience as we handle a higher-than-normal ticket volume

I am sorry that you are having issues with the Switch version of the game.

We apologize for the inconvenience, this is currently a known issue. The team is currently working on a fix that should mitigate the issue as soon as possible.

To help our moderators and developers collect more information on this issue, please report this bug at: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-154110

If you find a pre-existing bug report that matches the issue you are experiencing, we suggest upvoting this bug and adding a comment if you have any new information to provide. Feel free to review that bug report periodically to see if any new workarounds or information become available.

Thank you for your patience while we work on the solution!
Cheers, Agent Rainbow Sheep


2022-05-04 08:34:13

もし英語の学習が目的であれば、まずご自分で訳してみて、その正誤を質問するようにした方が、ご自分のためになりますよ。そうではなくて、とにかく何が書かれてあるのか理解するのが目的であれば、自動翻訳が役に立ちます。DeepL がお勧めです。
