この文の文章構成を教えて下さい(オズの魔法使い 原文)
She noticed coming toward her a group of the queerest people she had ever seen.
noticed 以降の文章構成が理解できておりません。
文末の"she had ever seen"は、関係代名詞のthatが省略されていて、その前の"a group of the queerest people"を修飾しているのは理解できます。
その前の"coming toward her a group of the queerest people"の部分が、どこまでが目的語なのか(あるいはSVOCとなっている?)分かりません。
日本語訳では、noticed 以降が大きな目的語になっているように見えます。ただ、その場合ですと、分詞は2語以上の名詞を修飾する場合は、名詞の後に置くという文法ルールがあるので、文章の並びは以下のようになるのでは?と考えています。
She noticed a group of the queerest people she had ever seen coming toward her.
She noticed a group of the queerest people she had ever seen coming toward her.
これの「coming toward her」が前の方に倒置されているのが、ご質問の文です。要は、「どの情報を先に伝えたいか」ということです。
A picture was attached to his email.
A picture from their trip to Toronto following their high school graduation in 2008 was attached to his email.
Attached to his email was a picture from their trip to Toronto following their high school graduation in 2008.
同じことを、She noticed で始めてみます。
She noticed a picture attached to his email.
She noticed a picture from their trip to Toronto following their high school graduation in 2008 attached to his email.
She noticed attached to his email a picture from their trip to Toronto following their high school graduation in 2008.
She noticed a picture attached to his email. It was a picture from their trip to Toronto following their high school graduation in 2008.