英語の質問箱文法や単語の質問どういう文型? 未設定2022-09-06 10:21どういう文型?質問に回答するWe swore when we took him in wed put an end to this rubbish!We swore when we took him in wed 」ここまでは分かるのですが、どうしてput~から句をつくれるのでしょうか?1つ思ったのは、in wedで一先ず区切り、命令文のような形で言ってるのかな…と思ったりしたのですが。。 どういう文型になってるか教えてください。回答数 1質問削除依頼回答2022-09-06 10:35:10無登録回答削除依頼We swore when we took him in wed put an end to this rubbish!= We swore when we took him in we'd put an end to this rubbish!= We swore (that) (when we took him in) we would put an end to this rubbish!役に立った1 関連する質問He is always unfriendly to person.仮定法におけるcould次の話し言葉のうち"We just・・・”以下を,正しく書くとどうなりますか。He is very wise even though still a child.Japanese school rule is strict.
未設定2022-09-06 10:21どういう文型?質問に回答するWe swore when we took him in wed put an end to this rubbish!We swore when we took him in wed 」ここまでは分かるのですが、どうしてput~から句をつくれるのでしょうか?1つ思ったのは、in wedで一先ず区切り、命令文のような形で言ってるのかな…と思ったりしたのですが。。 どういう文型になってるか教えてください。回答数 1質問削除依頼回答2022-09-06 10:35:10無登録回答削除依頼We swore when we took him in wed put an end to this rubbish!= We swore when we took him in we'd put an end to this rubbish!= We swore (that) (when we took him in) we would put an end to this rubbish!役に立った1