The primary catalyst for its rise to prominence in the mid-twentieth century was scholars' and academics' leveraging it as a response to growing concerns about the economic outlook for poorer countries plagued by recession as a result of World War ll.
scholars' and academics' leveraging it〜
The primary catalyst for its rise to prominence in the mid-twentieth century was scholars' and academics' leveraging it as a response to...
The primary catalyst
( for its rise to prominence )
( in the mid-twentieth century )
was scholars' and academics' leveraging it
as a response to...
The primary catalyst was scholars' / academic's leveraging it
The primary catalyst was their leveraging it.
述語の部分を their leveraging it としているところは、つまり
leveraging it by them / leveraging it by scholars' and academics'
ということで、この by 以下の部分を所有格にしてしまって、文を引き締めている( leveraging に注目するように)わけです。
(この leveraging は leverage の動名詞で、後ろの it は他動詞 leverage が要求する目的語ですが、この文ではおそらく前述のことのようなので、代名詞 it があてられています。)
The cause of the vehicle's mechanical malfunction is believed to be the technicians' and their managers' negligence of their routine maintenance protocols.
= It is believed that the mechanical malfunction of the vehicle was caused by the negligence by the technicians and their managers of their routine maintenance protocols.