We would like to check your safety. Would you please take a seat here and lower the safety bar until it is engaged?
「安全バーが機能できる位置にくるように」という意味で、「until it is engaged」としました。
「テストシート」は日本語の発想なので、そのまま「test seat」にはしない方がいいでしょう。なんだか試されているような不快感があります。上の例文では、「ここに座って」としましたが、何か名称が必要でしたら、「safety-check seat」でしょうか。
Would you please sit in this safety-check seat and lower the safety bar until it is engaged?
また、「seat」も、「シート」と発音してしまうと、「sheet」、つまり紙など、非常に薄い物の意味になります。下記の YouTube を参考にしてください。
(英語の sit, seat はこの子音です)
This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills. I suppose it's common knowledge that right-clicking the mouse on this screen activates Google Translate. If you want to translate Japanese sentences into Target language. If you click "Translate to Japanese (T)" in the dialog box, you will see "This page has been translated. Options. Go back to original page." Then click Options. Select Japanese in the Language for this page box. Select the Target language in the translation language box and click the translation box. That way you can read it in your target language. If GT can determine from which language you need to translate and into which language, GT can easily and quickly respond to your request.