2023-05-17 03:56:54
その日本語の意味で使うことはありません。「ひょっとして「もう一度でも…」の「もう」が抜け落ちたのでしょうか。「once too often」は、今まで悪いことを繰り返しても罰せられなかったが、もう一回やってしまい、罰を受けるような場面で使います。
He got caught cheating on the test once too often and was expelled from school.
The politician's scandalous behavior was exposed once too often, leading to a drop in public support.
The student misbehaved in class once too often, and he had to have a meeting with the principal.
日本語の「一度でもそんなことをすると罰せられます」は、「even once」を使って、次のように言います。
You do such a thing even once and get punished.
If you do such a thing even once, you will get punished.
Doing such a thing even once is punishable.