
2022-11-01 17:27

前置詞のin, on, with(所属を示す場合)について

 in, on, withには「所属」の意味がありますが、例えば、
1) I'm in the science club.
2) I'm on the science club.
3) I'm with the science club.
と表現した場合, 1)~3)の表現でどんな違いが出てきますか? またおかしな表現だとすれば、何がおかしいのかアドバイス頂けると幸いです。


2022-11-05 14:08:02

This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills. put your sentences into GT. please re-post your conclusion to this section.
as I haven't any interlocutor in English but GT, so I have a belief that the sentence would be comprehended if GT could translate. but in the conversation I'm not sure it's natural or not. this video has been made 5 years before. in this video speaker'd talk (timing=9:34) we would see that for every native speaker,like me, there are five non-native speakers (NNSs are 5 times more than NSs) 96% of English conversations involve NNSs; only 4% of ECs are NS to NS. I'd recommend this video to watch with subtitles in your mother tongue by spead rate 0.75 especially timing=9:50 after.
