2023-03-14 10:52
契約書内の秘密保持に関する文言 を英語に訳すと?
「乙は、業務の実施にあたって知り得た甲の業務上の秘密並びに甲の学生、生徒及び 甲の関係者の秘密並びに個人情報を在職中、退職後を問わず、第三者に漏らしてはならない。」を英訳したい。機械翻訳では、以下の通りだが、「A student, the student of the on-the-job secret of the former whom the second was able to know in the enforcement of duties and the former and」の箇所がもう少しシンプルな表現になりませんでしょうか。。
A student, the student of the on-the-job secret of the former whom the second was able to know in the enforcement of duties and the former and
You must not leak the secret of the person concerned of the former and personal information to the third party during holding the post regardless of after retirement.
回答数 1
2023-03-16 21:58:21