2021-07-05 04:28
子供達は学校で(に通って)クラスメート達と社交性を学ぶ必要がある。 を英語に訳すと?
今日のレッスンで私の英作文(Kids need to lern the sociability with classmates in school.)を、先生が正しい言い方(Students need to learn how to make sociable with their classmates.) に直したのですが、何だかmake sociable の響きが悪く、『特に子供は』というニュアンスも感じられずしっくり納得いきません。私の英作文をこの先生の表現より良い言い方に直す方法があれば教えて下さい。
回答数 1
2021-07-05 04:58:31
✖ Kids need to learn the sociability with classmates in school.
✖ Students need to learn how to make sociable with their classmates.
"learn the sociability with"はダメ。
"how to make sociable with"は誤用。
School children need to learn _how to be sociable with_ their classmates at school.
School children need to learn _how to associate with_ their classmates at school.