
2020-02-29 20:30

文構造 thanとwas

Ever since, engineers have developed smaller industrial robots that can perform many functions with greater speed and precision than was possible under the older human/machine system.




2020-02-29 20:30:23



2020-02-28 13:54:17


Ever since, engineers have developed smaller industrial robots that can perform many functions with greater speed and precision than was possible under the older human/machine system.

Ever since, と言う部分は付け足しなので省きます。
Engineers have developed smaller industrial robots that can perform many functions with greater speed and precision than was possible under the older human/machine system.
この長い文(=主語と動詞の組み合わせ)は、主語がEngineers、動詞がhave developed です。で、何をhave developed したの?とツッコミたくなる部分が目的語のsmaller industrial robotsです。
つまり、Engineers have developed smaller industrial robots.と言うことが言いたい文です。

ここのsmaller industrial robots ってどんなの?を説明している節(=文の中にまたある主語と動詞の組み合わせ)が、that can perform many functions with greater speed and precision ですので、これも飾りですが、その中にも greatER と言う比較級が入っています。

ここで、smallER と greatER と比較級にしているので、読む方としては than what? とツッコミたくなります。
そのツッコミに応えているのが、than was possible under the older human/machine system.です。than WHAT?と言うツッコミだったのに、そのwhatを表すところがまた節になっています。
その節は(主語省略されてる) was possible under the older human/machine system.ですが、ここで省略されている主語に当たる部分は、than (which) was possible under... です。この主語which は関係代名詞で、何の代名詞かと言うと、形式主語の it です。と言うのも、この節は元々「It was possible under the older human/machine system.」と言っていた文を、そう言うことと言う名詞にしてthanの後ろに置いて比較の対象とするために、関係代名詞 which を使っているのです。その関係代名詞 which は、文を完結に引き締めるため、英文の中で度々省略されます。つまり、言わなくてもわかるから省くよ、と言う類のものなのです。

It was possible under the older human/machine system (to develop industrial robots that could perform some functions with some speed and precision), BUT ever since, engineers have developed smallER industrial robots that can perform many functions with greatER speed and precision.
→ Ever since, engineers have developed smallER industrial robots that can perform many functions with greatER speed and precision than (which) was possible under the old human/machine system (to develop industrial robots that could perform some functions with some speed and precision).
= Ever since, engineers have developed smaller industrial robots that can perform many functions with greater speed and precision than was possible under the older human/machine system.


→ It was predicted that the speed of ice loss would not be so high, BUT in fact, the speed of ice loss is much higher.
→ In fact, the speed of ice loss is much higher than (which) was predicted (that the speed of ice loss would not be so high.)
= In fact, the speed of ice loss is much higher than was predicted.
