
2020-08-18 14:38


The reading and the lecture are both about A&B. The two point of view between the two parties are presented as follows.
To begin with, the article mentions that A. Additionally, the main point made in the article says A. This specific argument is challenged by the lecture. He claims B.In addition, he also mentions that B.
Secondly, the writer suggests that A. In the article, it is said that A. The lecture, however, rebuts this by mentioning B. But lecture tells that B, furthermore, he notes that B.
Finally, the author posits that A. Moreover, it is stated in the article that A. In contrast, the lecture’s position is B.
For these reason, the main point made by the professor cast doubt on the main point made in the reading passage.



2020-08-23 09:49:56

Differences between the two parties are presented as follows.
Additionally, the main point made in the article is A.
(main point と say が釣り合わず、不自然なため)
However, the lecture tells that B.
(正式な論文では、but で文を始めません)
Furthermore, he notes that B.
(furthermore の前のコンマは、たぶんピリオドの間違い)
For these reasons, the main point made by the professor casts doubt on the validity of the passage.
(validity は reliability でも良し)

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