
2022-10-11 17:13


"Olaf?" asked Anna, remembering a snowman her sister had made when they were little. この英文の意味は感覚的にわかりますが、文法的に考えると、rememberingはどういうことでしょうか? a snowman (that )her sister had made when they were littleと思いますが、この前のremembering は何かが省略されているのか、Annaを修飾する形容詞的使い方なのか? 的を射た質問が文章化されていませんが、教えてください。


2022-10-13 08:54:14




ご質問とは少し外れますが、文頭の「"Olaf?" asked Anna」は、「Anna asked, “Olaf?”」の倒置であることはお気づきですか。この文の主語は「Anna」です。この倒置は、分詞構文とは関係ありませんが、慣れていないと困惑するかもしれないので念のため。


Remembering a snowman (that) her sister had made when they were little, Anna asked, “Olaf?”

Anna remembered a snowman (that) her sister had made when they were little. Then she asked, “Olaf?”


The bomb exploded, destroying the bridge that connected Russia and Crimea.

Knowing she loved reading, Richard bought her a book.

Standing in the line at McDonald’s, I realized I didn't have any money.

Starting in October, I will practice violin at least two hours every day.

2022-10-12 15:21:31

This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills. it's be interesting for me how the Google translation translate the next sentences. "Olaf?" asked Anna, remembering a snowman her sister had made when they were little. "Olaf?" Anna asked with remembering a snowman her sister had made when they were little. "Olaf?" Anna asked remembering a snowman her sister had made when they were little. "Olaf?" Anna asked to remembering a snowman her sister had made when they were little. "Olaf?" Anna asked in remembering a snowman her sister had made when they were little. "Olaf?" Anna asked on remembering a snowman her sister had made when they were little."Olaf?" Anna asked by remembering a snowman her sister had made when they were little.I'm a language learner/fledgling/chick and an adept at being off the mark. when you would like to ask some questions on this Question Box about English I suppose that it would be important to give reference of the quoted if possible. the quoted reference would make the intention of the question specifically/expressly. more over in some cases some hints about the question could be found there. these question might be such as that showing only one photo and ask what they're doing in a photo. in rare case which can determine the scene may be. in many cases before and after the scene cut away might arouse various meaning to the scene.
