最終電車です を英語に訳すと?
この電車は、○○行きの最終です。を英語で「This is last train bound for ○○」と言いますが、種別をつけるならどういうのでしょうか?
準急 池袋行き最終電車の例で
「This is the last semi-express service train bound for Ikebukuro.」
という場合は「This the last train going toward △△ beyond ○○.」でしょうか?
This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills.
I'm not familiar with announcement in the last train. so I've searched on the web, but I couldn't find appropriate one. then I'm sorry I'd present you some I've found. I'd continue to search the adequate one. If you get some solution I'm looking forward to your posting it to this section.
:English Station Announcements in Osaka, Japan / The Most Natural Pronunciation in Japan.
:English Phrases Used in Station and Train Announcements.