3. It is generally agreed that children learn to talk as they learn to walk. Long before a single word is not uttered, children learn to influence people around them through partly symbolic behavior.
4. Over the last decade or so there have been dramatic changes in the technologies employed for the production and make distribution of entertainmentand information.
5. As you move around your home, take a good hard look at its contents. It's likely that your living-room will have a television set and a video, and your kitchen and a washing machine and tumble drier, maybe also a microwave oven and electric toaster.
先ほどと同様にお願いします(3)not(文脈上?) (4)make (5)hard(good?)(わかりませんでした)
5 の答えは kitchen の後の and を除くでいいですが、この内容が納得できません。台所に洗濯機と乾燥機があるとは、一体どこの国でしょうか。少なくともアメリカでは考えられません。
台所で電力を消費するのは、トースターより冷蔵庫だと思いますし、a video (VCR) というのも20年前ならまだしも、今は streaming device じゃないですか。
It's likely that your living room will have a television set and a streaming device, your laundry room a washing machine and tumble drier, and maybe your kitchen a microwave oven and electric toaster.
As you move around your home take a good hard look at its contents. It's likely that your living room will have a television set and a DVD player, and your kitchen a washing machine and tumble drier, maybe also a microwave oven and electric toaster.