
2019-11-07 19:33

英語のなぞなぞですが、答え分かる方教えてくださいm(_ _)m

Our number is two no more no less,

You cannot avoid us we must confess,

We are the only two certainties that will happen to you,

Before you realize it you'll be victimized too,

But there is one factor that you must know,

Only one of us can give you a life-ending blow,

But don't think you are safe and there's time to relax,

The other will reduce your paycheck just like that.

What are we?

2時間考えましたが分かりません、教えてくださいm(_ _)m


2019-11-07 19:33:44

thank you very much
Nothing is certain but death and taxes.
死と税金以上に確かなものはない - 英語ことわざ教訓辞典

2019-11-07 16:14:05

Death and taxes.
They are the only two guarantees in life, everything else is based on circumstance.
