
2022-11-23 16:54

類語辞典を使う以外の英語のパラフレーズ [言い換え] 表現習得の学習法



 英語のパラフレーズ [言い換え] 表現を習得するために、皆さんは英語類語辞典を使うほかに、どのうような学習をして様々な英語のパラフレーズ[=言い換え]表現を身につけられましたか?



2022-11-24 01:13:33

This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills.
I would like you to precise for what purpose you want to acquire various English paraphrase, e.g speaking/writing/vocabulary/.
I suppose the method of learning would depend on your purpose and ability level. if you want to be a interpreter I 'm sorry I can't advice anything (but such person'd not ask for advice) . I suppose according to your target the dictionary you refer need to differ from monolingual to bilingual or vice versa.
it'd be crucial for us to think always for what purpose we are doing this, is it effective, am I progressing, whether continue or change the method. every viewer want to be helpful for you. if you want to hit the mark please make your target clear. if the target is blur the advice also might be obscure, too tedious/wordy not to be able to cram into this section.
