
Tom & may
2021-04-30 11:34

3度もの緊急事態宣言 を英語に訳すと?

The declaration of the state of emergency which makes as many as the third time. ”もの”の訳ですが、この場合は as often as でしょうか?


2021-04-30 14:33:37

The third time (3回目) そのものは1回しかありませんから、many も often も使えません。 many は数、often は頻度です。下の文を比べて下さい。

Tokyo declared the state of emergency as many as three times in this pandemic.

Tokyo declared the state of emergency as often as three times in the last 13 months.

もし third を使う必要があるのであれば、 以下のようなものがありますが、日本語の「三度もの」という意味合いはなくなります。

Tokyo declared the state of emergency for the third time.

This declaration of the state of emergency is the third one after COVID-19 hit Tokyo last year.
