Today(2022/11/18) I feel it is not an ordinary climate of middle November. it is the climate of end of September or first of October. I sweated a little under arm during my walking. I have ever heard the word s 'climate change', I suppose I actually happened to feel it today.
Please give me any advice on how to write sentences like a native about this sentences.
we are going to notice the actual/crucial effect of global warming at last when we'd not come to be able to do any thing against it. along with the temperature rises the glacier around the arctic would melt and the ice around antarctic would melt as well. the sea surface level would go up with them.
moisture density in the atmosphere would go up with warming. then if it rains once it'd be torrential. if the the road always immerse itself in water ( the road is flooded not only temporarily) .our ordinary life would become helpless. would you think how long might it take to come such situation. I suppose it would come within a decade.
What are some good ways to improve English grammar and writing abilities for a non-native speaker?
Communicating fluently in English is a gradual process, one that takes a lot of practice and time to hone. In the meantime, the learning process can feel daunting: You want to get your meaning across correctly and smoothly, but putting your ideas into writing comes with the pressure of their feeling more permanent. This is why consistent, tailored suggestions are most helpful for improving your English writing abilities. Seeing specific writing suggestions based on common grammatical mistakes multilingual speakers make in English is key to improving your communication and English writing fluency.
:Grammarly's CM.**
Examples of observed climatic changes:
Increase in global average surface temperature of about 1°C since the pre-industrial age.
Decrease of snow cover and sea ice extent and the retreat of mountain glaciers in the latter half of the 20th century.
Rise in global average sea level and increase in ocean water temperatures.
Likely increase in average precipitation over the middle and high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, and over tropical land areas.
Increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events in some regions of the world.
Examples of observed physical and ecological changes:
Thawing of permafrost
Lengthening of the growing season in middle and high latitudes
Poleward and upward shift of plant and animal ranges
Decline of some plant and animal species
Earlier flowering of trees
Earlier emergence of insects
Earlier egg-laying in birds
:What is global warming?
:climate change
Today(2022/11/18) I feel it is not an ordinary climate of middle November. it is the climate of end of September or first of October. I sweated a little under arm during my walking. I have ever heard the word s 'climate change', I suppose I actually happened to feel it today.
Please give me any advice on how to write sentences like a native about this sentences.