
2022-12-10 14:09

conjection を英語に訳すと?

surbodinating conjection について知りたい。Whereasは使えますか?


2022-12-10 17:20:21

This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills.
please refer to the site. I suppose to try to get the meaning would be useful for your learning more than getting the answer instantly. the word 'whereas' is used as coordinate conjunction in the weblio dictionary(example sentence). refer to the definition of the word 'whereas' it'd be used as the coordinate conjunction because of the meaning.
even if the subordinate sentence is deleted the sentence (main clause) would make sense, but if the coordinate clause is deleted the sentence doesn't make sense. this is how to decide whether the subordinate conjunction or the coordinate conjunction is.
:Understanding subordinating conjunctions.
:Using coordinating conjunctions.
