
2022-10-13 18:57

fusion and fission

This is not a piece of advice to you I'm translating Japanese sentences into English word to word under the help of weblio dictionary and GT. so I'm anxious this might not come to practice of writing skills. nuclear fusion is a phenomenon which light atomic nucleus such as hydrogen fuses each other under plasma state in high temperature/high pressure/high density, come to heavy nucleus such as helium. on this occasion emit enormous energy along with neutron. in the case which comes under plasma state in high temperature/high pressure/high density we especially call it thermal nuclear fusion. H-bomb and Energy of fixed stars like as the Sun depend on this. atomic nuclear fusion. nuclear fusion reaction→cold nuclear fusion→nuclear fission. I referred to this URL address


2022-10-14 12:23:17

I suppose it would be a common sense that on this screen right crick of the mouse would lead Google Translation start to work. If you would like to translate Japanese sentence into target language. when you have clicked "日本語に翻訳(T)" in dialog box "this page has been translated. option. return to the original page" is presented. then click option. select japanese in the box "language of this page" . select your target tongue in the translation language box then click translate box. then you would be able to read in your target tongue. If GT would be able to judge that from what language is required translating and into what language the sentence is required being translated GT would respond your reqest easily/instantly.

2022-10-13 18:59:40

This is not a piece of advice to you I'm translating Japanese sentences into English word to word under the help of weblio dictionary and GT. so I'm anxious this might not come to practice of writing skills. nuclear fission is a phenomenon which heavy atomic nucleus such as uranium‐plutonium break up into more than two atomic nucleuses by the collision with such as neutron. on this occasion emit enormous energy. because of 2 or 3 neutrons arises simultaneously, chain reaction might arise. atomic nucleus fission. nuclear fission reaction.→nuclear fusion. I referred to this URL address
