
2022-05-16 23:54

saying が作る副詞節について

Mr. Chan is also scheduled to host a formal dialogue with TNGP executives on a weekly basis, saying that through the efforts of all employees across all levels of the company, TNGP will overcome its challenges and achieve great success in the near future.

上記の英文において、カンマで挟まれた saying~ で始まる節があります。
これは副詞節かと思うんですが、saying that ~ のあとには必ずしも S V が続かなくても良いのでしょうか?



2022-05-18 02:52:55

先の Jeblio さんの回答が完璧です。saying that の後にコンマが抜けているので、迷ったのでしょう。以下の文を参考にしてください。

Tom wants to go home, saying that he doesn’t feel well after the heavy lunch.

Tom wants to go home, saying that, after the heavy lunch, he doesn’t feel well.

Linda does not study at home, saying that she can study a lot more by staying late at school.

Linda does not study at home, saying that, by staying late at school, she can study a lot more.

2022-05-17 05:35:25

saying that 以下はこう言い換えられます。

saying that TNGP will overcome its challenges and achieve great success in the near future through the efforts of all employees across all levels of the company.

つまりsaying that以下の主語と述語はTNGP will overcome ~であって、
through ~の部分を強調するために
saying that, through ~, TNGP will overcome ~.

