
2022-05-23 13:13

they are by education and intellectual の意味は?


Without knowing anything much of him or the school of moral theory he established – since they are by education and intellectual conviction illiterate in the history of ideas – our advocates of positive psychology follow in his tracks in rejecting as outmoded and irrelevant pretty much the entirety of ethical reflection on human happiness to date.

①since they are by education and intellectual conviction illiterate in the history of ideas
がなぜ以下のような訳になるのか教えてください。「彼らは教育や知的信念によって思想史に疎いので」 特にthey are by...の意味がわかりません。by education and intellectual convictionが間に挿入されているということでしょうか。

②our advocates ... and irrelevant.. の部分の訳が分かりません。
our advocates(我々ポジティブ心理学の擁護者)は、follow in his track(彼の足跡を辿って)いる。the entire of ethical reflection(ほぼ全ての倫理的考察)を、in rejecting(否定)しながら。それらは on human happiness(人間の幸福)においては、outmoded and irrelevant (時代遅れかつ無関係である)として。ということでしょうか?


2022-05-27 10:12:18



2022-05-24 19:57:53

(1) そうです。「by education and intellectual conviction」が挿入されています。読み手に分かりやすくするためには、コンマで囲みます。

They are illiterate in the history of ideas by education and intellectual conviction.

They are, by education and intellectual conviction, illiterate in the history of ideas.


Humans are animals by scientific definition.

Humans are, by scientific definition, animals.

「the entirety of ethical reflection on human happiness to date」で、ひとまとまりです。ご質問には、これが二つに分けられていますが、「reflection on」で繋がっているので、分けられません。

ここでも同じように「as (being) outmoded and irrelevant」が挿入されています。「being」は省略します。この場合、reject の目的語「pretty much the entirety of ethical reflection on human happiness to date」が長いので、こういう語順にしたい気持ちは分かります。

Our advocates reject pretty much the entirety of ethical reflection on human happiness to date as (being) outmoded and irrelevant.

Our advocates reject, as (being) outmoded and irrelevant, pretty much the entirety of ethical reflection on human happiness to date.


His insurance company rejected his claim on the car accident in Colorado last November as (being) fraudulent.


His insurance company rejected, as (being) fraudulent, his claim on the car accident in Colorado last November.


They rejected his insurance claim as fraudulent.

They rejected, as fraudulent, his insurance claim.


