
2021-12-30 21:37

以下の文章のto somethingから先は、文法的にはどのような事象が起こっているのでしょうか。

Japanese ramen noodles are a thing of beauty: as far removed as possible from the Styrofoam packs of instant cup noodles we all ate in college, to something that is true cuisine.


2021-12-31 00:54:44

Japanese ramen noodles are a thing of beauty: as far removed as possible from the Styrofoam packs of instant cup noodles we all ate in college, to something that is true cuisine.
長い文章ですが、as far removed の後のところの飾りをちょっとはしょると、つまりこんなことを言ってます。
Japanese ramen noodles are a thing of beauty: as far removed as possible from the instant cup noodles to something that is true cuisine.
つまり、Japanese ramen noodles are far removed from the instant noodles to true cuisine.
ということで、something is far removed from A to B つまりAとBは似ても似つかないってことを言ってますので、
