
2023-01-07 15:13

who ・・・ who ・・・ が指している人が誰か

下記はnewsweekの記事ですが、who ・・・ who ・・・ が指している人が誰かよく分かりません。

At the height of his influence entering the 2022 GOP primaries, Trump sought to shape the Republican Party in his image, his endorsement in competitive races ultimately coming to define who conservative voters supported and who they didn't.

私が思うにはwho はwhomが現在風に変化していて、誰に投票すべきかという意味でwhoは立候補者を指し、全体の意味は以下のようになるのかなと思うのですが、勘違いがあれば教えて下さい。

2022 年の共和党予備選で影響力が絶頂に達したとき、トランプは激しい選挙戦の中で、自分のイメージ通りで自分の幅を利かせられる共和党にするために、保守的な選挙員は誰を支持し誰を支持しないとするべきかを明確にするようにした。


2023-01-07 23:32:19


People vote for a candidate they support.

People vote for a candidate who (whom) they support.

People vote for a candidate they support.

People must decide which candidate they support.

Trump’s endorsement defined the candidates who (whom) conservative voters supported and the candidates who (whom) they didn't support.



2023-01-07 18:58:09

I can't understand the structure of the phrase of this sentence after ' his endorsement'.

prepositional phrase: At the height of his influence entering the 2022 GOP primaries,
subject: Trump.
verb: sought to = tried to , struggled to.

I suppose the phrase 'to shape the Republican Party in his image' doesn't mean in order to some purpose, it means tried to.
I can't understand why the words 'supported and did' are form of past tense despite from the context it may be present tense.
I ask you a favor please tell me the source of information.
