
2022-09-01 11:10

"unifier" translated as "単一化子" の意味は?

In the Weblio's dictionary the word "unifier" translated as "単一化子", I wouldn't grasp the meaning of this translation. perhaps the word would come from "unify" + "er", so, I'd be able to grasp the meaning of the word "unifier". even if it'd come from AI-program. please show the adequate translation in the dictionary.


2022-09-01 17:47:32

Unification (単一化) is a term used in mathematical logic, so the translation is not wrong in the mathematical context.

I don’t think Weblio makes a dictionary. They only display definitions and translations from various online resources through licensing.

You might want to contact Weblio. I doubt Weblio employees are regularly checking this Q&A site. Even if they were, they wouldn’t seriously consider your request posted on the Q&A site. You can reach out to Weblio by clicking on the お問い合わせ link.
