2015-10-30 13:09:52
ロ 分割型分割に係る分割承継法人の株式又は分割承継親法人の株式が当該分割型分割に係る分割法人の株主等の有する当該分割法人の株式の数(出資にあつては、金額)の割合に応じて交付されない分割型分割
(b) A split-off-type company split wherein the shares of the succeeding corporation in a company split or shares of the succeeding parent corporation in a company split involved in the said split-off-type company split are not provided in proportion to the number of shares (or the amount of capital contributions) of the split corporation involved in the said split-off-type company split that are held by each shareholder, etc. of the said split corporation