rticle 27-2 (1) With regard to a child who has received a decision on protective custody set forth in Article 24 paragraph (1) item (ii) of the Juvenile Act pursuant to the provision of Article 24 paragraph (1) or Article 26-4 paragraph (1) the same act, the prefectural government shall take a measure to admit him/her into a children's self-reliance support facility in accordance with said decision (excluding a measure to cause him/her to commute there from the residence where his/her guardian lives) or a measure to admit him/her into a foster home.
第二十七条の二 都道府県は、少年法第二十四条第一項又は第二十六条の四第一項の規定により同法第二十四条第一項第二号の保護処分の決定を受けた児童につき、当該決定に従つて児童自立支援施設に入所させる措置(保護者の下から通わせて行うものを除く。)又は児童養護施設に入所させる措置を採らなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム