2015-10-22 16:56:32
Well, come to me tomorrow, for I must have time to think it over."
じゃあ明日また戻っておいで、わたしも考える時間がいるのだ」 - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』
I'm not sure whether your mind is the same as before; however, the Japanese plum, which I know well because I've been here several times, blooms finely and perfumes sweetly to welcome me; would you come around to help me stay up for the night? (Hyakunin Isshu 35)
人はいさ心も知らずふるさとは花ぞ昔の香ににほひける(百人一首35) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス