These days,people in many countries are not only more likely to survive through to old age, they are likely to live longer. The consequent increase in the proportion of older people across the developed world is requiring adjustment to attitudes towards and policies to them.
Even countries that may have previously viewed them as a burden best ignored have come to realize that living longer does not need to equate with spending longer in poor health.
上記の流れの話しがあるのですが、2つ目のパラグラフのas a burden best ignored部分が全く訳分かりません。
Even countries that may have previously viewed them as a burden best ignored have come to realize that living longer does not need to equate with spending longer in poor health.
Rather,adapting to and investing in older people to help them keep fit, stay healthy and live eaven longer reduces their risk of dependency and makes them invaluable resources for their families,communities,and the economy.
話しの流れは理解出来るのですが、どうしてもas a burden best ignoredが理解出来ません。