What Asch found, to his surprise, was that although about 25 per cent of the true subjects steadfastly stuck to their opinions and consistently gave the correct answer, around half of them, on at least half of the trials, gave the incorrect answer that corresponded with the staged and, to anyone with normal vision, obviously incorrect response of the majority.
What Asch found, to his surprise, was this.
About 25 per cent of the true subjects steadfastly stuck to their opinions and consistently gave the correct answer.
Around half of them, on at least half of the trials, gave the incorrect answer.
The incorrect answer corresponded with the staged and, to anyone with normal vision, obviously incorrect response of the majority.
(1) 英語と日本語は大きく異なる言語で、翻訳は難しい作業だから。そもそも翻訳は、英語を自在に使えるのとは別の技術です。バイリンガルでも翻訳が苦手な人はたくさんいます。
(2) 英語学習の目標は、英語を英語で理解出来るようになることだから。英語をいったん日本語に訳してからでないと理解できないのであれば、使い物になりません。
What Asch found, to his surprise, was that although about 25 per cent of the true subjects steadfastly stuck to their opinions and consistently gave the correct answer, around half of them, on at least half of the trials, gave the incorrect answer that corresponded with the staged and, to anyone with normal vision, obviously incorrect response of the majority.