文中のjust asのニュアンスを教えてください。
次の英文のjust asのニュアンスが分かりません。
Moreover, intelligence tests may be just as useful for something that they omit: intelligence tests are not affected by the biases of current employees, conscious or unconscious, regarding gender, ethnicity, or age.
Many people worry--justifiably--that intelligence tests fail to take into account many things that they value in a work colleague, including kindness, conscientiousness, and wisdom. That is true, but the evidence suggested that these things are also hard to diagnose based on an interview. Moreover, intelligence tests may be just as useful for something that they omit: intelligence tests are not affected by the biases of current employees, conscious or unconscious, regarding gender, ethnicity, or age.
(a) Intelligence tests fail to take into account many things.
(b) These things are also hard to diagnose in an interview.
(c) Intelligence tests may be just as useful (as A).
「知能テストは(A と同じくらい)役に立つかもしれない。」
(d) Intelligence tests are not affected by the biases.
Intelligence tests と比較されているのは、interviews(面接)です。私の先の回答で言うと、前者(1)のパターンです。これだけ読むと、just as useful as は控え目な言い方で、むしろ more useful than と言いたげな感じです。たぶん、この後、面接と知能テストの比較検討が続くのでしょう。
このjust as usefulを含んだ英文の前にあるのは、次の英文です。
Many people worry-justifiably-that intelligence tests fail to take into account many things that they value in a work colleague, including kindness, conscientiousness, and wisdom. That is true, but the evidence suggested that these things are also hard to diagnose based on an interview.
比較級です。例えば、B is as useful as A とすると、as A の部分がこの文では省略されています。この文のすぐ前に、A が何なのか説明されているはずです。そのため省略されていても、十分伝わるのです。ここに書かれている和訳は、A が何であるかを踏まえた上での意訳のようです。
(1) intelligence tests と A を比較している場合:Moreover, intelligence tests may be just as useful (as A) for something that they omit.「知能テストは A とちょうど同じくらい役立つかも....。」
(2) something that they omit と A を比較している場合:Moreover, intelligence tests may be just as useful for something that they omit (as they are for A).「A にとって役立つのとちょうど同じくらい、彼らが省くあるものにとって役立つかも....。」
以下、as A を省略する例です。
Social distancing is effective. Wearing a mask is just as effective to stop the spread of the virus.「ソーシャルディスタンシングは効果的です。マスク着用はそれとちょうど同じくらい、ウイルス拡散を止めるのに効果的です。」省略しなければ、Wearing a mask is just as effective as social distancing.... です。
Wearing a mask is useful for elderly people. It is just as useful for young people.「マスク着用は、老人にとって役立ちます。それとちょうど同じくらい、若者にとっても役立ちます。」省略しなければ、It is just as useful for young people as it is for elderly people. です。