
2022-12-07 13:53

文頭のwhereが文法的に何なのかわかりません。 の意味は?

Where private companies are really top partners is whenever they bring their cutting-edge inovation and research and development products that they developed as part of their business model.
訳は、民間企業がビジネスモデルの一つとして開発をした最先端のイノベーションや研究開発製品を持ち込んでくだされば、いつでも最高のパートナ―になります。(UNICEF 東京、ビジネス英語11月号から)
文頭のwhere は関係副詞でplaceが省力をされていて、民間企業が最高のパートナーである状況は、whenever以下であるという理解でよいですか?文頭のwhereが良くわかりません。


2022-12-11 13:22:22

Where private companies are really top partners is だから
is の前は 主語だから 名詞(節)しか考えられない。
関係副詞 で 名詞節 を作っている
民間企業が・・の場所 は  (いつも)彼らは・・持ち込む

文章が少しおかしい・文法的におかしいようには 思いますが 
意味は伝わるでしょ  という文のような気がします
実用上、日本語でも 途中から変になってる文章というのはときどきありますし

the place where.... は place を修飾するから このときは where 以下は形容詞節 

というのか 文法詳しくないですが

2022-12-09 11:24:40

I'd happen to encounter the word 'where' in the TED talk just today. what do you think this ''where' is. noun? (pronoun?)
timing = 14:13 :things about yourself that you cannot change. where you come from, what you look like or who you love.
:why You Feel Anxious Socializing (and What to Do about It) | Fallon Goodman | TED.

2022-12-08 21:35:24

This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills.
I can't find any suitable explanation about this and not likely to find it hereafter. I'd think this word 'where' is noun as for now. I don't intentionally search this, but I'll continue to stay this word 'where' in my mind till we find a solution.
If you get some solution I'm looking forward to your posting it to this section.

2022-12-08 12:44:49

google 翻訳で、’where private companies are really top partner is whenever they bring their cutting edge.’といれると、’民間企業が真のトップ パートナーとなるのは、最先端の技術を提供するときです。’となり、訳はそうだろうな、と思うのですが、依然whereは、文法上どうなのかわかりません。

2022-12-07 17:10:19

This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills.
in the webliio dictionary the definition of the word 'where' are some. I wondered which definition is suitable for the question sentence. so I relied on the 'process of elimination'. at the first time relative adverb and pronoun left.
next I eliminated 'pronoun' because of none of preposition in the question snence. I'm confused with which definition is suitable 'B-1' or 'B-3'. but whichever I'd select, adverb clause would become the subject in the sentence. can it be possible? the subject (place) of the sentence can be eliminated?
if I dare to choose one I would like to choose noun for subject.
I can't grasp it like as you also.I'd continue to search the adequate one. If you get some solution, I'm looking forward to your posting it to this section.
