
2020-03-07 11:20


Thanks for letting us know about this issue.
I first noticed that this customer has the auto-clean feature for SMART turned off. However, after discussing this with my development team, we realized that clicking the "Clean All" button should have subsequently cleaned the file, even though auto-clean was disabled.
I am passing this site to my development team for an analysis and, hopefully, a fix for this issue.
I wish to ask the customer NOT to do anything to the infected file, as this will give us the opportunity to test any fixes on a live site. This infected file is part of a WordPress theme that is currently not being used on the customer's site, so if left alone, it should pose no issues for the customer's site. Doing this would give us the opportunity to make sure any fix works.


2020-03-07 11:20:46

こんな感じですかねぇ? 間違っていたらすみません。m(__)m

しかしながら,我々の開発チームとの話し合いの結果,たとえauto-cleanの機能が止まっていても,Clean Allのボタンをクリックすることにより,ファイルを浄化することがわかりました。




Thanks for letting us know about this issue.
I first noticed that this customer has the auto-clean feature for SMART turned off. However, after discussing this with my development team, we realized that clicking the "Clean All" button should have subsequently cleaned the file, even though auto-clean was disabled.
I am passing this site to my development team for an analysis and, hopefully, a fix for this issue.
I wish to ask the customer NOT to do anything to the infected file, as this will give us the opportunity to test any fixes on a live site. This infected file is part of a WordPress theme that is currently not being used on the customer's site, so if left alone, it should pose no issues for the customer's site. Doing this would give us the opportunity to make sure any fix works.
