The more realistic prospect is to take a live dinosaur you have lying around already: a bird
The more realistic prospect is
to take a live dinosaur
(that) you have lying around already
(which is) a bird.
You have a live dinosaur (which is a bird) lying around already.
ということなので、現代もそこらへんにいる(lying around)生きた「恐竜」としての鳥がいるんだから、それを捕まえるっていうほうがより現実的なのでは、ということを言っていると思います。
The more realistic prospect to take a live dinosaur you have lying around already: a bird
またひょっとして、引用された文中の lying は、正しくは flying になっていませんか?もしそうだとしたら、
The more realistic prospect to take a live dinosaur
(that) you have flying around already
: a bird.
The more realistic prospect to take a live dinosaur (is that) you have "a live dinosaur" flying around already, which is a bird.