
2021-06-11 15:06

英検の勉強でしています 長いですがお願いします

The brush was very thick ahead and the ground was dry. The middle-aged gun-bearer was sweating heavily and Wilson had his hat down over his eyes and his red neck showed just ahead of Macomber. Suddenly the gun-bearer said something Swahili to Wilson and ran forward.


2021-06-12 10:13:31

長いと感じるのは、短い文がいくつも and でつながっているからだと思います。一つ一つ分けてみたらいかがでしょう。

The bush was very thick ahead.

The ground was dry.

The middle-aged gun-bearer was sweating heavily.

Wilson had his hat down over his eyes.

His (Wilson’s) red neck showed just ahead of Macomber.

Suddenly the gun-bearer said something in Swahili to Wilson.

He (the gun-bearer) ran forward.

すぐに日本語にすると学習の妨げになるので、訳したくはありません。The gun-bearer, Wilson, Macomber の順で、列になって進んでいるのが分かれば、後は大丈夫でしょう。

2021-06-11 17:51:42

