
2022-12-19 14:35

"purposes should they win the hand" の意味は?

Please help me. When I studied long English sentense about Mahjong game, I can not understand this part "purposes should they win the hand"

Why "should" is used before "they". Is this a grammer of invension?

There are two sets of bonus tiles: flowers and seasons. The flower and season tiles play a unique role in the mechanics of the game. When drawn, the bonus tile is not added into a player's hand but are instead set aside and kept near the player's other tiles for scoring purposes should they win the hand, and an extra tile is drawn in replacement of the bonus tile.
In addition, unlike the suited and honours tiles, there is only a single tile of each bonus tile, so there are a total of four flower and four season tiles in the set. The tiles have a different artistic rendering of a specific type of flower or season.


2022-12-20 11:30:44

Thank you very much for your cooperation ! I wish you have a good new year !

2022-12-20 02:42:10

This is a future subjunctive mood (仮定法未来). We use it when we talk about an event that is not very likely to happen in the future. Probability of the event is low.

if it should happen
= should it happen
(inversion 倒置)

Should you have any questions, please contact me by email.

The above sentence means: “You probably will not have any more questions, but if you should, please contact me by email.”

The following two sentences are the same.

The bonus tile is kept near the player's other tiles for scoring purposes if they should win the hand.

The bonus tile is kept near the player's other tiles for scoring purposes should they win the hand.

2022-12-19 22:03:44

I've referred several Mahjong site.
I've felt American Mahjong'd be different from it of Japan in various points.
I , also , can't grasp the structure of the part of question sentences.
Isn't there any punctuation mark(e.g. comma) before should, is there? when I guess by the context I suppose it means that when they'd win(get) the hand(winning hand)(consequentially earns the bonus).

kept near the player's other tiles for scoring purposes if they should win the hand.
I suppose they means two sets of bonus tiles.
I'd never used inversion sentence. Never had I used inversion sentence up to today.
:winning hand.
