英語の質問箱日本語に訳すと?Please teach me the meanin... 未設定2022-02-11 10:40Please teach me the meaning, will you? の意味は?質問に回答するI don' catch the meaning of the following joke (Murphy's millitary law)--"If you really need an officer in a hurry, take a nap."Please teach me its meaning, will you?回答数 2質問削除依頼回答2022-02-11 16:41:56未設定回答削除依頼Thank you, Kevin@MusicoLingo.I understand the meaning clearly from your explanation.So much appreciated.役に立った22022-02-11 13:44:16Kevin@MusicoLingo回答削除依頼Sure. You are in the military. You have a boss, the officer (将校). He is always busy. When you need to see him quickly, you can take a nap. The officer will come to you immediately and yell at you. He may be angry, but you’ve got his attention.役に立った1 関連する質問on the way の意味は?on the way の意味は?on the way の意味は?My stomach feels better after taking dump. の意味は?Amazonで購入した物の袋について の意味は?
未設定2022-02-11 10:40Please teach me the meaning, will you? の意味は?質問に回答するI don' catch the meaning of the following joke (Murphy's millitary law)--"If you really need an officer in a hurry, take a nap."Please teach me its meaning, will you?回答数 2質問削除依頼回答2022-02-11 16:41:56未設定回答削除依頼Thank you, Kevin@MusicoLingo.I understand the meaning clearly from your explanation.So much appreciated.役に立った22022-02-11 13:44:16Kevin@MusicoLingo回答削除依頼Sure. You are in the military. You have a boss, the officer (将校). He is always busy. When you need to see him quickly, you can take a nap. The officer will come to you immediately and yell at you. He may be angry, but you’ve got his attention.役に立った1