
2022-11-24 12:10

S Vと倒置の質問

Spy x Family's Anya, known for loving peanuts, is the mascot for these burgers and gifts of paper aprons and stickers featuring Anya will be given with orders of Peanut Butter Royale burgers.

この文の主節のSはどこでしょうか?またVはwill be givenで合ってますか? また、2行目のis the mascotは倒置がおきてisが前にきているのでしょうか? ご教示よろしくお願い致します。


2022-11-25 10:41:09


2022-11-24 22:48:49


Spy x Family's Anya, (who is) known for loving peanuts, is the mascot for these burgers.

Gifts of paper aprons and stickers featuring Anya will be given with orders of Peanut Butter Royale burgers.

(1) の文は、さらに2つに分けられます。

Spy x Family's Anya is known for loving peanuts. She is the mascot for these burgers.



文字を読むだけではそういう状況は分かりません。文字しかない場合は、context (文脈、状況) を把握して、その言葉を使った人の意思を推測しながら、読むことが大切です。


Meanings are in people, not words.

2022-11-24 14:36:48

This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills.
I suppose meaning of the main clause these sentence'd intend to express is that gift of paper aprons and stickers will be given, other parts'd be subordinate clause.
:subordinate clause.
Spy x Family's Anya: S(Subject).
known for loving peanuts :adjective phrase.
is: V(verb).
the mascot: C(Complement).
for these burgers: adjective phrase.
and: conjunction.
:main clause.
gifts of paper aprons and stickers: S(Subject).
featuring Anya :adjective phrase.
will be given : V(Verb).
with orders of: prepositional phrase.
Peanut Butter Royale burgers: noun phrase.
these last two phrase( prepositional phrase and noun phrase compose adverb phrase ).
I suppose the subordinate clause is the second sentence pattern, main clause is the first sentence pattern.
