
2022-10-15 22:04

There must be ather I planet where is possible の意味は?



2022-10-16 13:50:50

This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills. when you would like to ask some questions on this Question Box about English I suppose that it would be important to give reference of the quoted if possible. the quoted reference would make the intention of the question specifically/expressly. more over in some cases some hints about the question could be found there. in the case there's not any reference, because of the meaning of the question might be ambiguous so sometimes this would make people to hesitate to answer the question. some of the questions would be like as that showing only one photo and ask what they're doing in a photo.in rare case which can determine the scene may be. in many cases before and after the scene cut away might arouse various meaning to the scene. these cases might be obscure/vague. and it would be useful for you to sleep on a question over one night, you would find some hint/revision/complement in some cases. the deeper the question the deeper the answer. if you would've posted the question please continue to think about the question it'd be useful for your progress to compare your thought with the answer.

2022-10-16 13:44:37

これはあなたへのアドバイスではありません。ライティングスキルの練習のために自分自身に話しているのです。この画面でマウスを右クリックすると Google 翻訳が起動することは周知の事実だと思います。英語の文章を日本語に翻訳したい場合。ダイアログボックスの「日本語に翻訳(T)」をクリックすると、「このページは翻訳されています。オプション。元のページに戻ります。」と表示されます。次に、[オプション] をクリックします。[このページの言語] ボックスで [英語] を選択します。翻訳言語ボックスで日本語を選択し、翻訳ボックスをクリックします。そうすれば、ターゲット言語で読むことができます。どの言語からどの言語に翻訳する必要があるかを GT が判断できれば、GT はあなたのリクエストに簡単かつ迅速に対応できます。
I suppose "ather I" might be "other 1".
