
2022-09-23 21:46




It kind of made me think what I need to make a lesson where I teach you guys the different things we call people in the UK of people in our family.


2022-09-28 00:39:01

ご質問の文は終わりの部分が変です。あくまで想像ですが、「of」は「or」の間違いで、「people in the UK」と「people in our family」は、レッスンで取り上げられるトピックでしょうか。話し言葉を文字にしたものなので、次のように直します。

It kind of made me think what I need to offer a lesson where I teach you guys the different things we call “People in the UK” or “People in Our Family.”

レッスンで教える内容、「the different things.... Our Family”」は長いので、便宜上「different things」だけにします。

It kind of made me think what I need to offer a lesson where I teach you guys different things.

> 名詞節の中ではどの品詞が抜けて、whatに置き換わっているのでしょうか。


Step 1: 「必要なこと」

I need something.

What do I need?

I’m thinking what I need.

I’m thinking what I need to offer a lesson.

I’m thinking what I need to offer a lesson in which I teach you different things.

I’m thinking what I need to offer a lesson where I teach you different things.

Step 2: 「It がきっかけで考えるようになった」

It made me think what I need.

It made me think what I need to offer a lesson.

It made me think what I need to offer a lesson in which I teach you different things.

It made me think what I need to offer a lesson where I teach you different things.

It (kind of) made me think what I need to offer a lesson where I teach you (guys) different things.

カッコ内は喋るときの filler words というもので、意味はありません。

