After living in Tokyo as a student and young professional, I’ve made visiting Japan a priority at least once a year since, deep-diving new and interesting themes and destinations as the country continues to evolve both with and against the rising tide of globalization.
〇 英語➡理解
△ 英語➡日本語➡理解
ご質問の文を、分かりやすいように分解します。「deep-diving」 の後に「into」が抜け落ちています。しかし「deep dive」は名詞と使われることが普通で、このように現在分詞として使われるのは珍しいです。「より深く潜る、より深く知りたい」というニュアンスを加えたかったのでしょう。普通は「diving」だけで十分です。
I lived in Tokyo as a student and young professional.
After that, I have made visiting Japan at least once a year a priority.
I will deep-dive into new and interesting themes and destinations.
I will do it while the country continues to evolve.
It evolves with the rising tide of globalization
It evolves against the rising tide of globalization.
After living in Tokyo as a student and young professional,
I've made visiting Japan a priority at least once a year since.
I've made deep-diving new and interesting themes and destinations,
as the country continues to evolve both with and against the rising tide of globalization.
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